Intel has unveiled the Core Ultra 200S series processors, marking a significant advancement in enthusiast-class AI desktop PCs. These new processors, ...
Qualcomm je nenadoma in tiho prekinil komplet za razvijalce Snapdragon X v vrednosti 899 dolarjev in kupcem, ki so od svoje predstavitve kupili naprav...
At Embedded World North America, Analog Devices unveiled CodeFusion Studio, a comprehensive software development environment designed to accelerate in...
Qualcomm has unveiled the IQ Series, a new line of industrial-grade processors engineered for high-performance AI workloads in demanding environments....
Podjetje Fabless Communication and Computing Chip Company Marvel je pokazalo povezljivost PCIe Gen7 z uporabo 3NM čipov. V primerjavi s PCI GEN6 lahk...
Sibelco je eno od dveh podjetij, ki rudarirajo ultra-visok čistilni kremen na območju smrekovega bora v Severni Karolini in je nadaljeval proizvodnj...
Bourns has introduced several new components aimed at enhancing performance in automotive, industrial, and renewable energy applications. These produc...